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If you are looking for a great low-profile bird control system, consider bird spikes. These bird deterrent systems are perfect for signs, cut outs, ledges, parapets, lights and more. Rest assured that this system is environmentally sustainable and humane to the birds.

How it works: Bird spikes are made from ultra-thin stainless steel rods that are set upon a polycarbonate base. These materials are durable and U.V. resistant. The tips are blunt to prevent injuring birds and humans. The flexible base conforms to your building’s design. Plus, you have several width options to match different-sized ledges.

Bird netting is reputed to be the most effective pest bird control strategy available. It is the most versatile and strongest, and can secure a variety of buildings and fixtures, such as parking garages, rooftops, warehouses and awnings.

Bird nettings are made from durable thin polyethylene twine. This is knotted to create a barrier against pest birds. These are custom made, according to your structure or fixture, and keeps all pest bird species out.

How it works: The bird netting initially goes through U.V. and colouring treatment, which makes it stronger and resistant to the elements. Made from high density polyethylene twine, this is then knotted to make the barrier. The whole contraption is support by cable and steel attachments. The netting is then stretched tight over the contraption to create a tight impenetrable barrier against birds.

Approved by preservation groups, and federal, state and local governments, the Post and Wire bird control system makes use of stainless steel contraptions that turn away pigeons and seagulls. This solution is very versatile and can protect a variety of structures.

The Post and Wire system can be used for exposed ledges, signs, windows, pipes, beams and more. It works where birds don’t nest.

How it works: The Post and Wire system is made up of a nylon-coated stainless steel wires on steel posts, designed to keep away birds. The wires are kept secure by nylon rivets that can be adapted to how your building is designed.

When you want an effective low-profile pest control solution for all pest bird species, consider the Flex Track. The Flex Track offers an almost invisible deterrent that is effective, yet non-harmful to all pest bird species.

This pest bird control strategy makes use of a 5mm system that blends in with your structure. It is designed to condition birds with static electricity level shocks that do ZERO HARM. Flex Track keeps birds from landing and roosting in undersirable areas.

If you have a flat surface that needs bird exclusion without being obvious, choose Flex Track. It is perfect for signs, windows, ledges, beams, parapets, pipes and more. It is also extremely flexible. However your building is designed, we can control your bird problem with Flex Track.

How it works: We set up stainless steel components and aesthetically matching U.V. flexible PVC tracks on the area you want to protect. Colors come in brick red, black, beige and grey. The charger unit can be either A.C. or solar powered.

Termite Control

Termites are among one of the most destructive pests and can cost businesses thousands of dollars to repair. They also pose a potential risk to your safety and damage to your business’ reputation.

Safe Spray’s comprehensive termite inspections can determine if there are termites in or near your business. Our knowledgeable Termite Control technicians have extensive local experience, which enables them to offer advice to cater for your business’ needs. All inspections, treatments and reporting by Safe Spray is carried out in accordance with Australian Standards 3660.

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