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Most of the time, bird infestation is hard to spot. You might think a bird or two roosting within your property is endearing or cute. Wait until this becomes a flock!

Allowing birds to roost for some time will likely become a worse problem in the future. These birds become pests that compromise the health of people around you, makes your property’s exteriors look and smell dirty, and can decrease the value of your business and property.

At the first sign of bird infestation, call Safe Spray. Here are a few things to watch out for:

Regular bird sighting within your property
Regular bird noises, like chirps and cries
Bird droppings
Nest materials
Damaged plants and trees

Keep a special eye out at hotspots where you are likely to find these signs:
Roof tops, balconies, chimney stacks, ledges and guttering
Tree branches
Gaps that are at least 25mm within your property

Once you spot these and suspect bird infestation, get in touch with Safe Spray. Don’t try to DIY it as getting birds off your property is really harder than it looks. Plus, you have to consider safe bird waste cleaning and disinfecting, as well as bird deterrent measures.

Safe Spray has the expertise that you need to fulfill all requirements to have a thoroughly disinfected bird-protected bird-free property. Talk to us about your bird problem today. We can send over a team to inspect your property to properly assess your situation. From there, we can draft up a plan for you to ensure you keep birds off for the long run.

Get in touch with our team at 1300 562 053.

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