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Sarah Edwy-Smith

Support Services Manager

As Safe Spray’s Support Services Manager, Sarah plays a foundational role that ensures that both the operational staff and clients receive the necessary backing to facilitate efficient pest control service delivery.

Sarah oversees a range of auxiliary services that bolster our core pest control operations. This includes managing administrative tasks, handling customer service inquiries, supervising logistical aspects, and sometimes even overseeing training programs.

With our nationwide operations, Sarah is hands-on in making sure that field teams have the resources and information needed to address region-specific pest control challenges. She is also the bridge between clients and operational teams, ensuring clear communication and timely response to feedback or concerns. Sarah likewise helps maintain compliance with Australian regulatory standards, via comprehensive documentation and operational implementation.

Sarah, as our Support Services Manager, ensures that the infrastructure of the company runs smoothly, and works diligently to enhance overall efficiency and client satisfaction.

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