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Integrated Pest Management Plan for Cockroaches & More

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a proactive approach to pest control. For businesses, having an Integrated Pest Management Plan is a crucial component in sustaining the overall sanitation and safety of the workplace or place of business.

It is your way to ensure that you are always providing your clients with top-notch products and services. It is also your way of guaranteeing that your work crew is safe and healthy. Through your Integrated Pest Management Plan, your operation is sustained, consistent and safe.

Example of Integrated Pest Management
A typical case that demonstrates integrated pest management involves one of the most challenging pests for businesses, German cockroaches.

These cockroaches have lifecycles that allow them to reproduce up to 40 per brood, within a short incubation period. For businesses, this means that once you have cockroaches in the premises, they tend to multiply fast.

Integrated pest management, with the help of Safe Spray, takes the life cycles of pests and their interaction with the environment into account. This knowledge is factored into your plan – or how your pest control team approaches pest control at specific segments of the pest’s lifecycle.

The goal with an Integrated Pest Management Plan is towards a proactive, economical and efficient pest control. It involves our professional team, at specific stages of your pest control management. But, more importantly, it involves you.

For instance, in the case of German cockroaches, the Safe Spray team will conduct regular inspection, cleaning and maintenance services. This includes the removal of food sources and proper waste management – two components which attract cockroaches the most.

As business manager, you also need to be involved by ensuring that food sources are consistently removed and disposed of properly. We will set the actionable thresholds that alert us, and tell us that we need to be at your premises.

When we follow through with our Integrated Pest Management Plan, keeping pests under control is hassle-free. You know what to expect, given pest lifecycles. And the Safe Spray team will be there with reliable pest control services. Call 1300 562 053

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