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Rat & Mouse Pest Control

Rats and mice aren’t just nuisances that keep you up at night (they are naturally nocturnal, after all). These pests also contaminate your food stock, destroy your structures and furniture, and can spread diseases. They’re not as cute as Disney makes them up to be!

Spot Rat/Mouse Infestation
When you suspect rat or mouse activity, it can be quite easy to confirm your suspicions.

Watch out for clues. With rat/mouse infestation, you will likely see droppings in areas they frequent. You will hear their scurrying noises. If you’ve got a strong sense of smell, you might also smell the musky smell they give off.

What to Do When You’ve Got Rat/Mouse Infestation
Some people might be tempted to address their rat/mouse problem on their own. After all, we have easy access to commercially available baits, traps and rat poison treatment kits.

However, with this approach, you have a few things to consider. Ask yourself if you can effectively locate where your rat/mouse hides. Likewise, are you able to implement the traps, baits and poison correctly?

The problem with DIY rat/mouse solutions is that these are often not used correctly and effectively. You end up spending so much to address rat/mouse infestation without it even working!

Why Profession Rat/Mouse Pest Control is Better
At the core, professional rat/mouse pest control is always better than any of the DIY options.

With professional pest control services like Safe Spray's, you are guaranteed effective and efficient rat/mouse pest control. There is no guesswork in professional pest control services.

Instead, you get a thorough service that includes a complete assessment of your property. We find out the exact places where you have rat/mouse infestations. Then, we implement professional-grade baits and traps that humanely address your pest situation.

This is how rat/mouse pest control should be done. And, this is the type of service you can expect from Safe Spray. Get in touch with the team today: Call 1300 562 053

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